Monday, August 22, 2011

About This Site

I love high school football.  No sport is better than football, of course, but what makes high school football so much fun is that special players can single-handedly swing games on their own.  I'm lucky enough to know two and a half such players.  Austin is a defensive end playing the role of a defensive tackle in a traditional 4-3: take up as many blockers as you can and (apparently) stop playing after that.  Nick is the backup quarterback with a big arm and (perhaps) even bigger ego.  I can say that, because it takes one to know one.  He's such a damn good athlete, though, that he rotates in as a wideout because, as any HSFB aficionado knows: you get your best athletes on the field any way you can.  Which brings us to Jonah.  Yet another excellent athlete, he's been thrown onto the field as a center.  All 4% body fat of him.  The only thing I can figure is that when the coaches asked who would try out for center, Jonah volunteered to be "closer" to his buddy Nick.  In any event, he's half of who he needs to be, size-wise, for the position.  Thus, two and a half men...

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