Tuesday, September 4, 2012

8/31 Lincoln 49 - Sheboygan North 12

It was a B.E.A.UTIFUL night for football!
Indeed.  That was the way this team should have played last week!  They had it all goin' on against North - Lefty had 180 yards passing, Muscles had around a buck fitty rushing, and the starting defense would have had a shutout had they lined up correctly on North's TD run.  That was an exemplary performance.  Let's get right to it!

"Hey fellas.  Let's not suck this week, OK?"

Aaaaaaand... we're off.  Kickers don't usually get much run.  And this blog won't be an exception.  But it merits mentioning that Leifer has been kicking the ball very, very hard.

Ref: "Is that face guarding?  Naaaaaaw..."

Muscles had "the look" all night.

Not to be outdone, Tucks just ROLLED this cat.  A perfect example of delivering, rather than taking, the hit.  THAT was a football play.

The defense was swarming all night, totaling 12 quarterback knockdowns... 

Even though they were always juuuuuuust a little late for the sack, the pressure was constant.  Here, the tastefully-named Eric Berg approaches from the rear.

Despite the excellent defense, the fans were getting a little bored without any scoring.

What the fans want, the fans get.  After a ridiculous scramble by Lefty, Tucks caught a pass, made a move...

And picked up a HUGE block by Young Fish for Lefty's first TD pass as a starting quarterback!  That was a heck of a play, Tucks.

Down 0-21, North struck back with a quarterback sweep right - run out of a wildcat set.  I can't tell if they got any help from an illegal block in the back?

Oh, wait.  Nevermind.  They DEFINITELY got some help from an illegal block in the back.

Not even the big Lode could bring him down.

The soph had a very good game until he injured his elbow on this play.

Muscles' big run on the night went for about 70 yards.  When he has an opening, you're Just not going to catch him.

We'll be calling him Touchdown Terp from here on out, but on this play, he picked up the blitzing linebacker.  Literally.

Muscles had a rare miss here, but the Professor was in a great position to force a bad throw.

Someone told the tastefully-named Eric Berg that the running back made a pass at a girl named Karly.  So he tried to blow out his knees.

By the middle of the 3rd quarter, Lincoln pulled most of their starters so they could evaluate some reserve players against North's 1st team unit.  Here, Clubby picks up his first tackle of the season.

We should point out that Muscles was, in fact, tackled on Friday night.  It Just required five North players to do it.

During the most enjoyable play of the night, our backup quarterback ran around in the backfield for 6 seconds like a chicken with his head cut off.   He then proceeded to jump into the air, as he was getting annihilated by two defenders, and throw a pass to third string sophomore.  And it was COMPLETED...


The entire sideline was full of smiles.  Look how happy Happy is!

Even the student section stopped yawning for that!

Big props to the staff photographer for this shot: Young Fish showing the ball boy some love.

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