Sunday, September 30, 2012

Homecoming Parade

He always looks so presidential.
Yes, we normally just do football posts here.  But there's no Homecoming Week without football, and the Homecoming game isn't what it is without the buildup of Homecoming Week.  That school spirit makes the game that much more fun.  So there.  As always, click "read more" for the pretty pictures...

We really have a great school band.

Pommers or cheerleaders?  I always get them confused.

Why so serious?

OMG my boyfriend is the real wiener.

Did not expect that one.

It was the cardboard that made this float.

I did enjoy the "roast the redwings" theme here.

Gotta hand it to the volleyball team - they know what they do well, so, gall darn it, they're just going to do a volleyball float.

And since the tennis team followed suit, even bringing their racquets, I assume each team float brought something related to their sport.

But what did the cross country team bring?

Whatever it was, it's safe to say it wasn't food.

We got to the class floats pretty quickly this year.

If the sophomores theme was "chicks hanging out on the bumper", they nailed it.

Oh.  I get it.  The redwing was walking behind with a noose around it's neck.

The juniors did a nice job caging the birds.

Gotta love high schoolers.  So clever.  DON'T YOU KNOW THERE WERE KIDS AT THIS PARADE!  THINK OF THE KIDS!

The senior float topped them all though.  Check out the commitment the guitar player on the left is giving.

The Homecoming Court's float was slightly underwhelming.  But they bribed the judges with candy.  Works for me!

Love that school spirit.

It might have been short, but we liked the parade.

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