Monday, October 29, 2012

10/7 Lincoln 27 - De Pere 30

This year was a lot of fun, gentlemen.

In the final game of their high school careers, Hollywood, Half-Man, and The Rock helped keep the team's playoff hopes alive.  In the end, they all came up just a bit short.  The Ships switched their base defense in an attempt to right a Ship that was very, very wrong after the season's second week.  Big plays, once again, were the story, as they were shredded on two long runs right up the gut of the defense.  The team buckled down in the second half, giving up just one score after halftime.  It just wasn't enough.  Hollywood led an exciting drive in the final two minutes that attempted to go 98 yards, but the offense came up about 40 yards short, getting sacked on consecutive plays and then dumping off a screen on 4th down to end the game.

As I wrote last year, there is only one Division 1 team that ends its season without tears.  It is very difficult to be that team.  This team had several excellent players, but it did not have enough bonafide starters to succeed in the playoffs, had they qualified.  It was an awesomely fun team, filled with so many good young men.  But for a team to end it's season in Madison, hoisting that trophy, it needs at least 20 young men who place football second, right after school work, all year long.  The weight room has to be a second home.  Not just for one year, but two, three, and, preferably, four.  I try to convey to the younger kids that, if you look at the team, the best players are the ones who are always in the weight room, and there aren't any players on that team who have been in the weight room the last several years that aren't good.  Not one exception.  If you want to be a good player, 4-5 visits to the weight room each week, for 65-85 minutes a pop, and you'll be guaranteed to be good when you are a senior.

But back to this season.  It would be hard to think about the year without thinking about the memory most of these guys will have forever: that awesome Homecoming game.  It's always said, but you never forget your Homecoming game.  That's why it was so kind of these guys to let East and Pulaski win their Homecoming games.  See, this team was just too nice!

What else will we remember?  Bongo yelling "whoever put the hex weights on the racks with the round weights, you are an idiot."  How about the defense dominating the offense during team 2 minute drills each week, but the offense doing much better over the course of the season in conference?  Bongo's Birthday.  The day Oklahoma was brought back.  Muscles running over people in scout.  County fair.  Trying to get J-Life to miss a kick.  Players hiding in leaves.  The Professor killing it on the d-line.  Waaaay too much pudding talk.  Chariot races.  Destroying everyone at the scrimmage.  Nearly beating (and, really, we should have) SW, the team that went undefeated in conference.  Fisch talkin' (if you can call it that).  "I got your back" conditioning.  Lodes destroying pipes, but not really at all (thanks Drew).  Alex's tuddy.  Bryce's tuddy.  Dust, dust, and more dust at practice.  Team dinners.  Group dinners.  Jammin' to Margaritaville.  Geese.  Sackmaster Seth.  "TOES ON THE LINE!"  Hollywood's big run on a sneak.  Muscles' big runs, over and over.  That ridiculous play with Tucks and Fisch.  I could go on, but you get the point: yes, it wasn't a perfect season, but there will be a lot of good memories.

I have a few pics of the two and a half men after the jump (these are from Pulaski).  There weren't any photographers available for the De Pere game.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Before We Get To The Last Post

I will really miss this joke.

I should probably explain why I've failed to post for awhile.  Basically, I fell behind and didn't get to the 2 1/2 posts I usually do after the Pulaski game post.  Then, I found discovered that my stable of photographers was one short for the De Pere game (everyone was out of town).  So, without photos, I wasn't motivated to blog.  Well, that, and the way the season ended.

But that ends now.  I've had so much fun following this team so closely over the last two years that it would be silly if I left this thing unfinished.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

10/5 Lincoln 24 - Pulaski 41

We've returned too many kicks this year.
When the Ships came out of halftime down just 17-14, they looked like they had the energy to and enthusiasm to destroy Pulaski in the second half.  Then they gave up a touchdown on the kickoff and that was that.  I'm not sure why it was kicked deep (the Ships' kickoff coverage has been even worse than its defense) but sometimes things just don't make any sense.  Sometimes a team can get down on itself and things spiral out of control.  You end up performing worse that these guys.  Long touchdowns have been the Achilles heal of the team this year (as they would be for any team).  If they continue this week, the season is over.  Simple as that.  I still believe in this team.  I just hope the players still believe in themselves.

Gentlemen, tomorrow may be your last game this year.  For the seniors, it may be your last game ever.  For those of you who love football, losing it will leave a void that you'll never quite be able to fill.  So go out tomorrow and give it everything you have.  Let all of your emotion - hate, anger, joy, love - flow through and out of you.  Savor every moment.  And promise yourself that 10 years from now, you won't have to wake up some Fall morning, look yourself in the mirror, and know that you didn't go all out in your last football game.  Do that, and it won't be.  For what it's worth, I think we're going to win.  This team hasn't had a winning or losing streak all year.  We're not going to start now!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Homecoming Dance

Of course they did that.

If for no other reason than to finish off Homecoming Week (and to post that picture up there), here are some pics of the boys all dressed up...

Can We Get A Holding Call?

Two holds.  One play.
This whole post is an aside... The defense has been embattled this year.  I understand the frustration of the fans.  But let's get real.  The Ships have lost 3 games.  The offense lost the first one.  Everyone lost the second one.  And the defense lost the third one.  And when you look at the tape, the defense actually looks pretty good, when they tackle.  But they also haven't been getting any help from the officials.  I know, I know - "you can call a hold on every play."  Yes.  You can.  But when it is this bad, and the holding allows the offense to score touchdowns, the penalties need to be called.  For example, the above pic was on a 3rd and long on the 1st series - South converted it thanks to a deep pass.  Well, if holding is called, that isn't a conversion, and they don't go on to score.  And that wasn't the only one...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

He's Always Entertaining

"Why does he always make fun of me?"

Oh, Half-Man.  Sometimes, the pictures I get turn out like Hollywood's, and effusive praise is all I can offer.  Other times... well.  You'll see.  But you're always a good sport...

A Big Scare

That's a man who loves football.

The Rock gave us all a scare after his left hand was stepped on in the 3rd quarter.  It was bleeding from a puncture and the training staff feared it was broken.  After a few minutes, he just said said "screw it - tape it up, I'm going back in."  Big heart on this kid.

King Hollywood

You'd be smiling too.
"My crown is called content, a crown that seldom kings enjoy."  When Billy Shakes wrote that for Henry XI, he couldn't have known about King Hollywood.  Class President.  Honors student.  Starting quarterback.  College girlfriend (who was the reigning HC Queen).  And now, the King of Homecoming, both the game and the dance.  Throwing for nearly 300 yards and 2 touchdowns against a stiff crosswind, he had his best game as a passer.  He also added 43 yards rushing, a rushing touchdown, 3 punts for 96 yards, and 4 tackles playing cornerback in relief of some beleaguered teammates.  Of course, he had his best protection all year and the offense hummed like a well-oiled machine.  It was a lot of fun to watch him do his thing out there.  Extra pictures of Nick this week because I screwed up his father's camera settings - sorry Todd!

Monday, October 1, 2012

9/29 Sheboygan South 40 - Lincoln 54 - Homecoming

Was that the last home game for these fine young gentlemen?

Now THAT was a fun game!  I think everyone was a little jittery at the sight of Sheboygan South matching us TD for TD in the game's first 15 minutes.  But Hollywood and Co. never let us down, constantly driving down the field and punching it in.  Muscles ran for 158 yards and 2 TDs on Just 12 carries.  Hollywood passed for almost 300 yards and added another 43 on the ground.  He also accounted for 3 total TDs.  The defense got a score and also forced 4 turnovers.  And while big plays were once again the story for the Ships' defense, they got the stops when they needed to.  The fans certainly got their money's worth.  The perfect Fall day helped everyone enjoy a great game that lasted 3 hours and 10 minutes!  As always, enjoy the pictures below the jump.