Thursday, October 11, 2012

10/5 Lincoln 24 - Pulaski 41

We've returned too many kicks this year.
When the Ships came out of halftime down just 17-14, they looked like they had the energy to and enthusiasm to destroy Pulaski in the second half.  Then they gave up a touchdown on the kickoff and that was that.  I'm not sure why it was kicked deep (the Ships' kickoff coverage has been even worse than its defense) but sometimes things just don't make any sense.  Sometimes a team can get down on itself and things spiral out of control.  You end up performing worse that these guys.  Long touchdowns have been the Achilles heal of the team this year (as they would be for any team).  If they continue this week, the season is over.  Simple as that.  I still believe in this team.  I just hope the players still believe in themselves.

Gentlemen, tomorrow may be your last game this year.  For the seniors, it may be your last game ever.  For those of you who love football, losing it will leave a void that you'll never quite be able to fill.  So go out tomorrow and give it everything you have.  Let all of your emotion - hate, anger, joy, love - flow through and out of you.  Savor every moment.  And promise yourself that 10 years from now, you won't have to wake up some Fall morning, look yourself in the mirror, and know that you didn't go all out in your last football game.  Do that, and it won't be.  For what it's worth, I think we're going to win.  This team hasn't had a winning or losing streak all year.  We're not going to start now!

Young Fisch had things going early on.

With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Tucks took one for the team and tape his ankles for the first time all year.  

One thing that amazes me every Fall is how much better come guys get as the season progresses.  I wouldn't say Saubs went from zero to hero, but the improvement was excellent.  If he hits the weights hard throughout the year, he'll be a beast next season.

Easily the most disappointing thing I saw in the photos was picture after picture of the entire defensive line being double teamed.  That means Pulaski put their 6 best blockers on our 3 defensive lineman, which, in essence, left both spurs and both linebackers unblocked.  How did we give up any points?

Once again, Muscles ran hard all night.  But it Just wasn't enough.

Wait?  What?  Is that?  Is that a Bro in there?  What's he doing in?

OMG!  He's like, totally throwing a pass to a wide-open Hollywood, Bro.  (Seriously, you have to hand it to the Ships - their trick plays are the best, even if Brennan the Bro overthrew Hollywood).

Something is terribly wrong if one of your kickoff team members in 5 yards behind the ball when it is kicked.

It wasn't a poorly-reffed game, but there were times when I felt like we were the Packers, like this clearly blatant face-mask penalty that was missed.

The Soph did a pretty nice job (considering his fumble wasn't seen by the refs).  It's impressive that he gets in on both sides of the ball as a sophomore.  

Heard Young Fisch was single, but this is ridiculous!

One-Thrid is still the best cover-corner in the conference.

Just something you don't see everyday.

Wait!  What's that?  You hear that? That's the Sackmeister Seth music!!!

The Tastefully-Named Eric Berg was kind enough to help demonstrate what Pulaski did to us all night.

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