Saturday, September 17, 2011

Would You Like Syrup With That?

This was a nasty performance by the Short Order Cook.  N.A.S.T.Y.  But I won't waste any time on prose, since he "doesn't have any time" to read it.  Waah-waah.

"Yes, Jonah, you handle the ball just fine.  But you're still playing center."  Coach D
Uh, I don't think it works if you only block ONE of them.

Let's hug it out.
You can tell it's Jonah by looking at the leg size.
Jonah: "What'd you have for dinner?"  #74: "What didn't I have?"
"How's the family?  Good.  Got plans for the weekend?  Nice.  I think I'll be making more pancakes."
"I didn't say I would pancake YOU!  Relax."
"I meant this guy."
"Sorry, I'm running out of syrup."
Who does he remind you of?
I'm not even gonna ask.

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