Saturday, October 8, 2011

10/8 Pulaski 37 - Lincoln 40 - Homecoming

The new sign.
(Update - for the Parade, Click Here; for the Pommers, Click here).

I kinda feel like like David After Dentist.  Seriously?  Did that just happen?  Did I dream that game?  I mean, as a sports fan, you watch hundreds of games - baseball, football, basketball, hockey, cricket, whatever - just WAITING and HOPING you get to watch a game like this.  You want to share in that experience, that MOMENT.  Because when it happens... Wow.  This was a once-in-ten-years-game.  This was MJ in Salt Lake draining the 19 footer over Bryon Russell.  This was 4th and 26 for Eagles' fans.  This really was "The Catch."  But now it's the new Catch.  I can't believe that Mr. Vance had two interceptions, a huge tackle on 3rd down late in the 4th, and it's foolish to even consider him for player of the game honors.  That's how incredible Eli's game was.

The game started out a little funny: Pulaski's kicker, who had been kicking 50 yard FGs during warm-ups, ripped a line drive on the opening kickoff that bounced into, and out of, and into, and out of, the Hammer's hands.  Pulaski recovered the fumble and it cost us 3 points.   Pulaski's kicker tried the same kick again on the ensuing kickoff: he was trying to nail someone on our front line and have the ball bounce back to a Pulaski player - an unconventional onside kick.  On the second kick, Eli snagged the ball out of the air.  Now, try and understand how difficult that is - the ball was kicked 15 yards away, right at Eli, with the kind of velocity you get from a kid who can hit 50 yard FGs.  It was an athletic play, which is an understatement, and it gave us excellent field position.

(Interesting side-bar: Eli's game wasn't perfect - it only seemed that way - he dropped an easy interception on the opening drive that would have saved 3 points.  But, really, I couldn't care less - Eli played as good of a game as you'll ever see a high schooler play.).

As we all know, the Ships went down 0-10 but roared back, scoring the next 20 points - halftime score 20-10.  Our touchdowns were scored on a Suzuki sweep right, a blocked punt by Eli recovered by Bubba for a TD, and a 40 plus yard TD reception that Tanner put right on the money to Eli.

We all know how the game ended: after going up by three scores, Pulaski realized all they had to do was pass (away from Mr. Vance, of course).  They erased the deficit and took the lead with 2 minutes left in the game.  Tanner promptly threw an INT (trying to force it to Eli) but the defense held.  And I gotta say, I was pissed off when I saw people leaving the game after Tanner's interception.  They deserved to miss the big finish.

Lincoln got the ball back with about 70 seconds left and 79 yards to go.  They got two first downs on receptions by Nick (yeah buddy), another on a crazy scramble by Tanner, and the final one on a pass interference penalty.  With 4 seconds on the clock, Coach D called a play that had 4 WRs from the shotgun formation.  Pistol split wide left and Nick was in the slot.  Eli was split wide right and some (sorry - I forgot) was slot right.  Nick and Pistol crossed (I couldn't tell if they were running post/corner routes or modified if they were modified) on their way to the end zone.  I'm pretty sure the same happened on the other side, but the HTR makes it sound like Eli ran a drag route.  Anyway, Pistol was the primary receiver and Tanner drew back and fired it into the 25 MPH winds... but the ball landed at least 7 yards from its target - Pistol.  Thank God Eli was also 7 yards from that target.  (How did the HTR miss that part of the story?  And, Tanner, did you even see Eli?  I hope you didn't, because that makes an even better story!)

One other note before we get to the pretty pictures: Pulaski got absolutely hosed by the refs.  Hosed.  I'm not complaining, of course, and you take the victory any way you can, but there was a fumble that was never called (Big Cat), a phantom pass interference that was called on Pulaski and shouldn't have been called (D. Dixon), on the final drive, the refs took far too long getting the clock going, giving our players more time to figure out what the hell they were going to do in the hurry-up offense.  I mean, sometimes the refs have a bad day, too.  We got lucky this time.  Very lucky.  Celebrate.  Enjoy the Conference Championship.  But recognize that if you don't fix that pass defense, someone is going to surprise you in the playoffs.  And we don't want that.  Now, let's see some pretty pictures.

There's our Two and a Half Men!  (Austin is in a 4-point stance with the yellow hat).
Another beautiful day for football.
Sorry, Hammer.  Had to show it to you.  Gotta learn from your mistakes.

Mr. Vance was in on lots of tackles, too.

Yep.  Eli actually could have had a better day.  He still did alright even if he dropped this sure INT.

Everyone assured me they were going to take this game seriously.  Then they go out and practice their dance moves during the game.

Suzuki got the engine goin' early.

And the Mayor will NOT be kissing any babies during the campaign!

This was just excellent coverage.  Nice Bubba.

The Big Cat had two very nice runs early on.

The Big Cat also fumbled the ball.  Good thing the refs were off their game.  No fumble?  Please.

Locked in.

Well, he threw to the open receiver, which was nice.  But he had a stiff wind in his face... so I understand this incompletion.  Still sucks, though.

We'll just call this the Mr. Vance section for now.  Here he is, catching a Pulaski player.

Now he's catching an interception.


Ditto pt. 2.

Now he's just kicking.

Now he just found out Alison's curfew was extended an hour.

If you're anything like me (superstitious), you were relieved when you saw this.  I mean, we're 8 games in and Tanner's done this every game.  Has to mean something, right?

But we should remind him he only has to miss Pistol once.  Just once.

That ref looks constipated.  Thought I should mention it.  Glad I'm here.

Eli's first annual block party.

Bubba couldn't believe the ball was headed right for him off Eli's blocked punt.

This was a great pass.  Right on the money.  And Eli isn't going to get caught from behind, even if he does go both ways.

See?  Told ya.

Looks like Shav almost had a blocked punt, too.

Real men wear pink.

I don't think he sees the safety.

Nope.  But what a pick by #1 - textbook "getting it at its highest point."

I just wanted to point out that Pulaski had 8 men blocking on almost all passing plays.  We usually only rushed 3.  If you do the math, that left 8 Lincoln defenders for 2 Pulaski receivers.  How did Pulaski's receivers ever get open?

Seriously?  How does this guy get behind you?  Lil' Capt? You were 1st team all-conference last year?  What's going on?  Is this a scheme thing?  Skill thing?  Or just a high school thing?

Football isn't for soccer players, no offense to his homecoming highness.

Wait?  Whhhhaaaa?  Eli could have had TWO interceptions?  No one will ever remember this.  Nor should they.  But still.

Had Ethan's butt been just a bit smaller, he'd have broken this one.

Great blocking at the point of attack got Suzuki his third touchdown of the day.

The Mayor is taking a strong stance against gay marriage!

I'm still pissed about this one.  It was a heck of a catch...

But he was CLEARLY down before he crossed the goal line.  As it turns out, I'm glad they didn't make Pulaski run another play (we wouldn't have had time for our last play).  But still.

Between the guy on the ground and the one in the air, they look like an "equals" sign.  You know:  Pulaski = Loser.

Enormous tackle by Mr. Vance.  This forced a punt with about 4 minutes left.  Even though we didn't run out the clock, a first down for Pulaski here would have been fatal.

I didn't have to crop this (even though I did).  There weren't any Ships players in the photo on the wide angle.  That last touchdown was way too easy.

In fact, Austin was so embarrassed he didn't want to show his face.

People started leaving after this.

Nick's first catch in I-don't-know-how-many-games was a huge one.  The first first down of the historic march to victory.

On 4th down, Nick caught the ball 5 yards short of the first down...


OK.  I missed Tanner's terrific run (hard to get pics of QB scrambles - too many players in the middle of the field) and the pass interference.  So this is it.  4 seconds left.  Ball on the 24 yard line.

ELI!!! #somadthisisntinfocus  Gonna just show you the rest of the pics in the sequence without further comment.

Oh my God that was fun.

How did he catch that ball?


And WHAT is Coach D doing to Shav?

Whatever it was, it looked like it hurt because Shav's eyes are a little dusty.

The Superfans approve.

I'm going to post the parade and the dance team's performance over at Title IX tomorrow, as well as the usual separate entries for Austin, Nick, and Jonah, so be sure to check in then.  Go Ships!

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