Saturday, October 22, 2011

Playoff Pancakes!

"It's just me against the world, baby..."

Sure, the Short Order Cook was called for a holding penalty (first of the year?) but he still spearheaded a group that dominated their opponent for another 300 yard rushing day by the Ships.  Well done, sir.  Well done indeed.

Nick, Jonah, and Brennan sure do have a strange pre-game routine...

I smell pork.  It's either the cops or the HOGS!

And people STILL ask me why I call him the half man?

Heck, forget the thigh comparison, look at the calves!

Double pancakes!  The Load and the Short Order Cook, cooking for Ships running backs all season!

You can be big, but if you don't have a weight room, you can be moved.

Ooof.  That's a low center of gravity.

I can't get over how fat that fatty is.  5'8", 300.  Lay off the McRibs, buddy.

Nick, applauding the great down field blocking.

Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about! The Island of Austin Morreau and Jonah got underneath the fatty and DROVE HIM BACK!

All that drive blocking made Jonah thirsty, though.

Remember this when you're playing the Chargers next week.

"What?  We get another home game?"  Yes.  Yes you do.

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