Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Nick

Two first downs on the final drive?  Pffft!  How about two moms!
YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH BUDDY!   Waaaaaa-hoooooo!  Everyone in my section was excited for the shotgun, 4 wide set that the Ships ran on that final drive.  I think I heard more "It's about time they abandon that stupid Wing-T" and "Someone told them it's 2011!"'s than I would have guessed.  I was just excited to see Nick on the field (I can't believe that one of the 10 best athletes on the team rarely plays - that's just criminal).  And then he came up with two huge 1st downs!  And a really heady drop!  Too.  Good.  What a nice early 17th birthday present.

Nick (whispering): "four wide receivers, four wide receivers, four..."

Nick actually got in with 2 minutes left in the 3rd quarter.  He just blocked the corner, but it was the greatest block on a a corner ever.  Really.  Honest.

"Wait, what?  I'm going in?  In crunch time?"

The first first down on the final drive.

Best. Drop. Ever.

Has anyone ever seen Nick look awkward?  I think this is a first.

The second first down on the final drive.  Keep in mind this was 4th down and he had to get past that chalk line.  Wow.

This was a really good drop, too.  As Buzz said afterwards "How did he know to drop that one?  HAHAHAHA!"  I'm with ya, Buzz.  I'm with ya.

The best birthday present - Queen Paige.

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